Hello! I feel like not a lot has been going on but for some reason I feel stressed! I think I am pretty close to being done with Christmas shopping...and wrapping. I sorted through all the baby clothes and have them washed and put away, my house is unpacked...well, for the most part. There are four or five boxes or random thing that I either need to toss or hide in the basement! haha So I THINK I am ready for Christmas.
I just thought I would write down a few funny things Morgan has been doing lately, this is mostly for my sake so sorry for no pictures, feel free to stop reading! :)
*She is in her princess dresses almost all day long,
*She is always talking about Cinderella, "where dreams come true"...do you think she has watched it one to many times? :)
*She likes to sing into Q-tips, pretending they are her microphones. She was doing this the other day in the bathroom mirror and singing I Love to See the Temple. Too cute!
*She has started "pretending" if that makes sense. Today she pretended that her orange slice was the princess and it was on top of the 'castle' aka her sippy cup.
*She loves Little Einsteins and talks about rockets all the time
*Every time we pass a building that has a point or some sore of steeple on it she thinks it is the temple
Anyway, I am sure there is more but I just wanted to get those written down so I don't forget all the cute things she does!
I went to the doctor today and I was just SURE I was dialated and the baby was coming soon, but alas I am not. It makes me almost tempted to make the drive to Utah for Christmas! I am getting more and more excited and more and more nervous for this baby. When I was going through her clothes I think is when I really really got excited. I still just can't imagine another kid! Hopefully all goes well, and I did finally take a pregnant picture I just don't know where the camera is to get it off! SO, maybe next time....if your lucky!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Life :)
Posted by Kim at 5:16 PM 6 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving, we sure did. It was so nice to get away for a few days. I took off a few days before Jeff was able to come. Morgan and I took off on Monday morning and got to Utah early evening and were able to spend some time with my brother and his family who were ironically coming to Denver for Thanksgiving. After visiting with them we took off to my in-laws house. There we had dinner and an FHE with Jeff's sister and brother-in-law from Washington, his parents, his grandparents, and his aunt and uncle. It was so fun. After FHE was over the girls decided to go to a late night showing of TWILIGHT. (It was good, not great. I would definitely watch it again. The whole time I just kept wondering what Mom and Grandma were thinking since they haven't read the book....I don't suggest not reading the book and watching the movie, I don't think you would get it and you would think we were all crazy!) I think I am getting too old for late night movies because I was exhausted the next day! :) The next day Morgan and I went and visited old friends from work and went to lunch with my brother and Jeff's sister, Olive Garden mmmmmmmmm.
I was able to get most of the things on my list of things to buy in Utah. I got smartie suckers (they are great because they aren't sticky and I can't find them anywhere here in Colorado), I also went to the For Every Body Outlet and got four yummy candles for cheap and they smell great!!! If you live in Utah you need to see this store I love it! I also got some Stephens hot chocolate at Costco! mmm They were 4/$10, here they are $3.50 a can! I felt like it was Christmas!
Then we picked Jeff up at the airport and went to dinner at Jeff's cousin and our good friends house for dinner. mmm It was so good we had sticky chicken and if anyone wants the recipe she sent it to me and I have already tried it and I want it again! mmm Maybe it is because I am pregnant but I would have to say it is in my top five favorite meals right now!
The next day was Thanksgiving and it was wonderful! We went to Jeff's uncle's house and all but one of Jeff's uncles on his Dads side was there. It was great, I love spending time with family....and of course good food sure doesn't hurt anything! I wish I would have thought to take out my camera so you could have seen the spread! THEN the table FULL of desserts! Holy sam, it was a great day! To top it off we played games the rest of the night, it was great (p.s. Jeff's sister found the best game, it is called wits and wagers, the game was great if anyone is looking for a new game to play I highly recommend it!)
Friday I kept debating if I was going to wake up early and finally decided against it. All I wanted was flannel from JoAnns that was on sale for $1.50 a yd. I did end up going to wal-mart with my sister-in-law and still got some great deals. AND they were price matching JoAnn's deal on flannel!!! They don't have quite the array of fabrics as JoAnn's but I still got some cute stuff...what a great trip. :) After that I headed over to Jeff's aunts house and made some fun Christmas crafts, so fun! Since i am not crafty in the least it was so nice to have someone there who could help me along. :)
We ended up taking off Saturday morning and the drive was great until about Glenwood Springs and this is where it started to snow. We actually ended up meeting my brother and his family in Glenwood Springs, they had driven 186 miles in 8 hours because the roads from Denver to Glenwood Springs were horrible. ANYWAY, we ended up staying in a town called Frisco for the night because the roads were just too bad.
All in all it was a great trip with great food, family, fun, and crafts. Here are just a few pictures from the week:
Jeff's aunt has a vinyl machine and the stuff to cut the wood out, so we did all of this right there at her house.
Then we made these cute sock snowmen. The aunt who is like Martha Stewart showed us how. Amazing, I would have never thought to do this!
Jeff enjoying rock band. I like watching Morgan in the background playing the drums. :)
Maybe she will be a rockstar! :)
The annual Sucher family turkey shoot. I hadn't ever heard of a turkey shoot until I married into the Sucher family. The first year it started off shooting a small BB gun in there cement storage room...and now...paint ball guns outside against a covered concrete wall! It was SO fun!!! I had never shot a paintball gun before and I can see how people can get really into it, although the thought of one hitting me doesn't sound to appealing. :)
Isn't he handsome? :)
Daddy teaching Morgan how to protect herself. (She has a blue whistle in her mouth shaped as lips just in case you were wondering. )
Posted by Kim at 8:36 PM 7 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Quick update
It has been a while since I posted but, not a whole lot has happened so you aren't missing out! :) We are in the process of moving so that has been time consuming this week. We are just moving to a bigger unit in the same complex, not a big move but a move none the less and it still takes time! BLAH, but hopefully I am almost done. I keep thinking that and somehow more stuff shows up. haha It will be nice to be done.
We are headed to Utah next week for Thanksgiving and I am so excited, I just don't think I am going to have enough time to do or see everything I want to. Such is life. I am just excited for the break and to see family.
We did one last hoorah for the summer and my sister in law and I took our kids to Elitch Gardens, it is a theme park here in Denver that we had bought season passes for (just before I found out I was pregnant so I wasn't able to go on any rides all summer :( oh well) it was such a fun day, I think my sister in law is super woman. She took FIVE kids! I was struggling with one! Here are a few pictures, enjoy!This is Morgan and her cousin Peyton. They are getting ready to go on a ride that is similar to Tower or Terror. It takes you up and then drops you. I was a little nervous to see how she would do but it was in the kiddie park and she loved it...like mother like daughter. :)
We kept telling them to raise their arms, I think they were a little confused .
Here they are on the ride with cousin Dallin sitting on the end.
Getting ready to fly!What would we do without cousin Ashlynn? She was an AMAZING help that day!
This is one of Morgans favorite rides.
She also really really liked the swings, we may have to buy a pass next summer...we will see.This was also a piece of exciting news that I forgot to blog about. Jeff and his softball team took 2nd place this season! They only lost one game...honestly about half of their players were gone that game so maybe next time they will get first! It was a fun season and we are looking forward to next year!
All right, well I am off. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! It has been a good one for us and we have SOOO much to be Thankful for! Don't get me wrong, this has been a rough year in a lot of ways and some days I get frustrated but I try and count my blessings and it is amazing that I can even 'get down' because we are so blessed. I think I am going to start a new tradition for Thanksgiving that I just recently heard and thought it was a great idea and thought I would share. This family gets a container and cuts up strips of paper and has it is a convenient spot in their home and when they are thankful for something they write it down and put it in the container. The week of Thanksgiving they pull out all the papers and read them together and make a paper chain around the house to remind them of their blessings. What a good idea huh!
Posted by Kim at 8:27 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Happy Halloween! (a little late)
We were so excited for Halloween this year! Last year we had moved here just a few days before so we weren't able to really celebrate. This year I was so excited I think I had Morgan's costume done two weeks in advance! haha Honestly I think I was just excited to eat her candy! :) It was a great day beside the fact that Morgan woke up at 5:30 a.m. and didn't go back to sleep (p.s. she is still doing this and I know she is tired because she wants me to lay down by her so she can go to sleep! Any suggestions? At this rate we are only going to have two kids because I don't think I can keep my sanity!) ANYWAY, we went to our playgroup and most of the kids dressed up in their costumes and we had all sorts of goodies and fun times just talking. Then we headed over to my sister-in-law, Christina's house and headed off to Golden to eat lunch with our men to celebrate their one year of owning this company! Can you believe it has been a year? It has flown by!!! Good work guys, thanks for all your hard work for our families! On such a momentous occasion you think I would have remembered our camera, but nope! :( After lunch we headed back to Christina's house to get all the kiddos ready to get their loot! I forgot how much fun Halloween is! The kids all looked great and they brought home I am not joking, probably 6-7 pounds worth of candy total!!! It was insane!!! This isn't like the nasty candy either, they had a couple of normal sized candy bars in there!!! The rest was mostly miniature candy bars! What happened to all the tootsie rolls and smarties (which are by the way some of the best candy out there!) and dum dums and pixie stix? I rarely got a mini candy bar! Times have changed! :) Once all the kids and the boys were back the adults sat and watched The Davinci Code. It was such a fun day and am already thinking of costume ideas for next year!!!Morgan and her cousin Peyton dressed up as Minnie and Mickey Mouse, HOW CUTE!!!
Posted by Kim at 2:03 PM 11 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
In the life...
I finally got all the pictures off my camera...long story they almost didn't make it. Thank goodness for smart family who can fix computer problems from miles and miles away! :) So this is just a random post of pictures so consider yourselves warned...I just thought that this was a cute picture. She rarely smiles for pictures, so I was happy.
I bought this little blow up car for $2 at our grocery store and she loves it, I was so sick of blowing it up that I finally hid it....does that make me a bad mom?
As most of you know Jeff is a BYU football fanatic. So we had to have a family picture in our BYU attire.
I came in the room to check on Morgan during a nap and this is what I found. So cute!
Morgan is just like her daddy. She loves to dip everything in ranch. This is her after she LICKED her plate that had ranch on it. Nice huh...
But who couldn't love this face?
Honestly look at this. Jeff has SOOOOO many hats. After I saw this I told him no more.
I jumped in the shower one day and wrapped Morgan up in a blanket and when I was done this is what I found. She must have been awfully tired because she RARELY and I mean rarely falls asleep unless I put her down in her bed.
Does anyone else hate meal time? She gets SOOO messy that finally I just started taking her shirt off because it wasn't worth the hassle. She is doing a little better now, but my goodness.
Jeff decided to buzz his head. The sad thing is that when he was done he came out and said, "Well?" and I didn't even notice! haha He has now grown it back out again.
Posted by Kim at 8:22 PM 10 comments
My little two year old
I keep meaning to post but somehow life gets away from me. Does that happen to anyone else? Here are pictures from Morgans birthday. We just had my brother and his family over for cake and presents. I think she was just more excited to see them than the cake OR the presents.
I think she was a little confused why everyone was singing to her even though we have been to a lot of birthdays lately.
Enjoying the singing a little more.
She got four princess dresses, a princess tea set, and a goofy doll. I think she was in heaven. (she tore her hair out as fast as she could, while her cousin helped her get dressed up)
Enjoying her tea set. She LOVES it.
My little niece Kennadi was enjoying the tea set as well. So fun, thanks guys for coming over!
Posted by Kim at 7:57 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Morgan!!!
Holy sam! I still can't believe it has been two years since Morgan was born! It is so weird, I am sure all of you moms out there have had very similar feelings. It is a bittersweet day. I am sad she isn't our baby anymore, but at the same time it is so fun to be able to really talk to her and interact with her. She is one funny girl...well, most of the time, lately it has been terrible two's and I am not to in love with this stage, I just keep hoping she gets it all out now before baby number two comes...otherwise, I am afraid there will only be two! haha
Well, this post is going to be all about Morgan, more for her sake and mine than for anyone else. I haven't ever written this down, so don't feel obligated to read! :)
When I was pregnant with Morgan I went to the Dr. three weeks before I was due and I was dilated to a three and 80% effaced. The Dr. told me there is no way I would make it to my due date. I was so excited! I went to back to work and told some of my students who worked next to me that they may have to take me to the hospital so be ready. Yeah right. Three weeks later ON my due date I was back at the Drs. office and they had to strip my membranes....OUCH and we scheduled an inducement date. I wasn't too excited about this because I was worried that #1 I knew exactly the day I would have the baby...that is nerve wracking...I think I would rather have a surprise. #2 What if she was supposed to come on a different day. Oh well. I went on a walk every day that week trying to get her out...no luck. So the night before we were supposed to go in I was a mess. I was SO nervous!!! So Jeff being the good husband he is saw the need for me to get some ICE CREAM! mmm We went to Cold Stone, I just remember people asking me when I was due and just freaking out in my head as I said I am going in tomorrow!!!
Well, that night I couldn't sleep very well and not just because I was pregnant! I don't know how you ladies do it who have these things planned!!! I was supposed to call the hospital at 6 to let them know we were coming in and to see if there was enough room. I woke up at 4 with an awful cramp. I hadn't had any the whole time I was pregnant so I was a little nervous, but I tried going back to bed. Three minutes later another.....and so it went for about an hour. I woke Jeff up and told him that I thought I was in labor, he just said no your not we don't go in until 6. Silly boy. So I tried walking around the house...yeah, that didn't help, so I tried taking a hot bath..it helped a little but finally I got Jeff up and said we had to go. I think at this point he was in a little more shock than I was. We got loaded in the car and were on our way! I just kept saying, "what are we doing? What are we doing? We can't do this!!!" haha I was FREAKING out in between contractions that were still coming every three minutes. It was a constant thing from that first contraction and they were painful RIGHT from the beginning. We finally get to the hospital and into our room and sweet Jeff called his brother at 6 in the morning to come give me a blessing and the good brother in law that he is he showed up as fast as he could. At this point I was in my bed, a little more calm and I just looked at Jeff and asked if it was to early for an epidural. I was sure I was going to last much longer than that! (It was 8 so I did last for four hours) I thought I had a higher pain tolerance, oh well, such is life. The epidural was heaven. After that I was just anxious. My goal was to have her by the time Price is Right was on. (We love that show and were planning on going one day but that is a WHOLE other post) At this point my Mom was there and we were all just sitting in my room waiting. My mom was a little annoyed she just kept saying it wasn't fair, she was supposed to be helping me, but all she was doing was reading a book! That is the beauty of epidurals!!! Anyway, she wasn't out by the time the Price is Right was on, but by 12:32 p.m. Morgan Annine Sucher was here! She was 7 Ilbs 14 oz and 20 inches long. I only pushed for about 20 minutes. She had gunk in her lungs so they had to suction her out and we were only able to hold her for a few minutes, then they whisked her away and Jeff went too. I didn't know where they were going at this point I think maybe I was a little too drugged. Overall it was a great pregnancy and good delivery, only eight hours from start to finish. Morgan was very jaundiced so we were able to take her home but the next day she had to go back to the hospital and stay another night under the lights. This is not very fun for a new emotional mother...not my favorite day but we are just glad she is healthy now. After she was born the Dr. said she was one of the most feisty babies he had delivered. She is still a feisty one!
*She can sing her ABC's and a few other songs. She likes to play her piano and sing twinkle twinkle little star.
*She can count to 15 then after that she makes it to 20 with a few mistakes.
*She can tell me most of the letters of her alphabet.
*Jeff affectionately refers to her as the parrot. She likes to repeat everything we say, and vice versa, we have to repeat what she says or else she keeps saying it until we do. (My favorite is when she calls Jeff 'hun'.)
*She tries to do handstands with her Daddy which end up turning into a somersault.
*She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
*She is very good about saying please and thank you. She even says bless you and excuse me after sneezing.
She is such a blessing in our family and we are so grateful for her. Happy birthday Morgan, we love you!
Posted by Kim at 7:10 AM 6 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Well, this is just going to be a random post of things that have happened lately. I was just going to put Morgan in a princess outfit for Halloween but then my Sister-in-law said I should have her be Minnie Mouse since Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is currently her favorite thing. I thought that it would be fun but I could find a costume I loved....well, there were some but they were like $30, I just think that is crazy to spend on a Halloween costume. SO I got a brilliant idea I would make one. haha, it has been quite the adventure but here is how it has turned out so far, I am pretty darn proud of myself, seeings how I have only made one pattern before...just don't look to close.My friend Meggin and I went to get ice cream at Dairy Queen this last week...mmm....I got a pumpkin pie blizzard which was SOOO yummy...anyway, I got Morgan a star kiss thinking it is a kids ice cream and it would be ok....no, not so much. She was a mess, I got her home and cleaned her up and she still looked like this.
Ok, not a great shot but can you see the red and blue on her face and fingers?
Look at those fingers!!! Look at her arm!
I had to hold her arm down to get a picture but look at that! Do not get the star kisses from Dairy Queen....not a good idea.
This is not a very good picture either...our batteries are dead to our good camera, but you get the idea. Gala apples were on sale this week for $.59 a pound and they are my favorite! So I thought I would buy a whole bunch and dry some! So I looked up how to dry them in the oven and they turned out so good! I was excited. I thought Morgan would like them more but I don't think she is to impressed. But it was fun and I felt so domestic, and my house smelled so good.
Good times.
I also cut my hair this week, I didn't change it a whole lot except I cut bangs....they aren't quite what I expected...a little short. I took some pictures but well they didn't turn out so well so maybe I will try and get another shot later. Something for you to look forward to. :)
p.s. We are still looking for baby girl names keep the ideas coming.
Posted by Kim at 10:30 AM 11 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
So I finally found a roll recipe and a cinnamon roll recipe I LOVE. Ok, I have only made the rolls once, BUT they turned out. That is saying a lot for me, I have been trying since we have been married to make a roll that works out and these did and I didn't even use an egg because we were out! I am so impressed, so I am going to share the recipes with you. I also have a sugar cookie recipe that turns out for me....no cookie ever works for me so when I get a picture of those I will post it too.
These are supposedly the Golden Corral Rolls but I didn't think they were THAT good, here is where I got the recipe: http://www.recipegoldmine.com/ccg/golden-corral-rolls.html
1 envelope active dry yeast
1/4 cup very warm water
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup scalding hot milk
1 egg, lightly beaten
4 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
2 Tbsp melted butter or margarine, for brushing rolls
Sprinkle the yeast over very warm water in a large bowl. (Very warm water should feel comfortably warm when dropped on wrist.) Stir until yeast dissolves.
Add sugar, the 1/4 cup butter or margarine and salt to hot milk and stir until the sugar dissolves and butter or margarine is melted. Cool mixture to 105 to 115 degrees F.
Add milk mixture to yeast, then beat in egg. Beat in 4 cups of the flour, 1 cup at a time, to form a soft dough. Use some of the remaining 1/2 cup of the flour to dust a pastry cloth. I didn't use a pastry cloth I just kneaded it for a long time so it wasn't sticky.
Knead the dough lightly for 5 minutes, working in the remaining flour (use it for flouring the pastry cloth and your hands).
Place dough in a warm buttered bowl; turn greased side up. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk, about 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours.
Punch dough down and knead 4 to 5 minutes on a lightly floured pastry cloth. Dough will be sticky, but use as little flour as possible for flouring your hands and the pastry cloth, otherwise the rolls will not be as feathery light as they should be.
Pinch off small chunks of dough and shape into round rolls about 1 1/2 to 1 3/4-inches in diameter. Place in neat rows, not quite touching, in a well-buttered 13- x 9- x 2-inch pan.
Cover rolls and let rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk, 30 to 40 minutes. Brush tops of rolls with melted butter or margarine, then bake in a moderately hot oven (375 degrees F) 18 to 20 minutes or until nicely browned. Serve warm with plenty of butter.
This recipe yields about 2 dozen rolls.
This is where I got the cinnamon roll recipe: http://www.recipezaar.com/76864
- 1 (1/4 ounce) package dry yeast (2.5 tsp)
- 1 cup warm milk
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1/3 cup margarine
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 eggs
- 4 cups flour
- 1 cup packed brown sugar
- 2 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon
- 1/3 cup margarine, softened
- 8 tablespoons margarine
- 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
- 1/4 cup cream cheese
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
For the rolls, dissolve the yeast in the warm milk in a large bowl.
Add sugar, margarine salt, eggs, and flour, mix well.
Knead the dough into a large ball, using your hands dusted lightly with flour.
Put in a bowl, cover and let rise in a warm place about 1 hour or until the dough has doubled in size.
Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface, until it is approx 21 inches long by 16 inches wide.
It should be approx 1/4 thick.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
To make filling, combine the brown sugar and cinnamon in a bowl.
Spread the softened margarine over the surface of the dough, then sprinkle the brown sugar and cinnamon evenly over the surface.
Working carefully, from the long edge, roll the dough down to the bottom edge.
Cut the dough into 1 3/4 inch slices, and place in a lightly greased baking pan.
Bake for 10 minutes or until light golden brown.
While the rolls are baking combine the icing ingredients.
Beat well with an electric mixer until fluffy.
When the rolls are done, spread generously with icing.
Posted by Kim at 5:04 PM 4 comments