Our sweet Whitney
Yeah, so I don't know where she gets her hair, Morgans was crazy too, but not quite this bad. I love it, but it is so funny because no matter what you do your hair will NOT stay down!Stew (Jeff's brother)
Yes, that is three chins you are seeing on my face! So, you know after you have a baby you start dropping weight pretty quick. Yeah, I thought I was doing pretty good, but after seeing these pictures I know I still have a WAYS to go! haha, oh well, I am happy and on my way to being healthier! :)
All the family.
My parentsJeff's parents
Morgan and her best bud and cousin Peyton in a candid shot, so cute!
To cute!
Our family :)
Looking for trouble.
We were able to bless Whitney this last Sunday. Both of our parents were able to come and Stew, Jeff's brother. My parents drove down from Idaho on Thursday afternoon, so we were able to spend all day Friday hanging out. Jeff's parents and brother flew in from Utah on Saturday afternoon. We all (my parents, his, Stew, and my brother Benson and his wife Christina) went to dinner on Saturday night with no kids! Wahoo! :) Then Sunday morning was the blessing. After the blessing we just went to my brothers house and ate. I made the Cafe Rio salad with the sweet pork. mmm I was so glad it turned out! I was nervous because I haven't ever made it before, but it turned out ok. All in all it was a great weekend, I just wish we had more time to spend with family! Here are a few pictures to document the fun weekend:
Monday, February 23, 2009
Whitney's Blessing
Posted by Kim at 7:28 PM 21 comments
Random Picture Update
These pictures are in no sort of order (it drives me crazy trying to put pictures in order on here, any tips?)Morgan learning the tricks of the trade from her Daddy. No, we aren't slave drivers she was SO excited to help it was funny. I think the trick is to give her some gloves, it was so cute!
Jeff had to pull a couple of all nighters a few weeks ago for work. There was a break in a pipe at one of the water districts that they take care of. I don't know if I have all the numbers right but I believe this was a twenty inch pipe that broke (see the water shooting out?) and they lost a couple hundred thousand gallons of water, needless to say it was a crazy week.My sweet girls. Morgan has adjusted pretty well. She says the sweetest things to Whitney. She just laughs at her and says, "ahh, so cute!" in a squeaky high voice. She has been very sweet to Whit, only a few mishaps. :)
I couldn't figure out how to rotate this picture, sorry.
Cute cute, now every time they are on the ground hanging out Morgan asks for the camera.
Here is my pregnant picture, Jeff and I both said we needed to get more pregnant pictures this time around, but we didn't. I think this is the only one! I believe I was 36 or 37 weeks prego when this was taken.
Morgan with her valentine that Grandma Sucher had just given her.
Whitney, two weeks old.
Life has been pretty crazy since Christmas. We had Christmas and then a fun New Year's fondue party at our friends house, then one of my best friends and her husband came to Colorado for one of his friends weddings and so they were able to spend a few days at our house, THEN Whitney was born, then two weeks later Jeff's parents came to visit, then Whits blessing...so just about every two weeks something has been going on, not to mention the day to day things such as a kidney infection, four colds, a flu, a final for Jeff's MBA, his all nighters, adjusting to two kids. :) SO I think this picture explains how we have all been feeling lately! She has only ever fallen asleep at dinner once before so she really must have been exhausted!Ok, so we all know Morgan is obsessed with princesses right now. She sleeps in this dress at least once a week. My friend Kristi Jo gave her that tiara and she wears it as a mask (crazy kid) and well, this is what she looks like four or five days a week so we thought we better document it.
Whitney had to stay under these billi lights for two days here at home. Not the funnest thing a new momma has to do. Morgan's billi count was so high she actually had to go back to the hospital. So I guess I can just count my blessings that Whit was able to be here at home. (four days old)My brother Benson has a nine year old little boy who is on a little league basketball team. He and Jeff are the coaches so this takes up our Saturday mornings. It makes me excited to have my own kids in little league. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Funny kids!!!
Morgan in her princess dress....again...different accessories! :)
Posted by Kim at 6:44 PM 2 comments
Christmas 2008....a little late
We had an interesting Christmas this year...yes I know I am blogging about it a little late, but better late than never right? :) Anyway, since I was so far along the doctor wouldn't let me travel. I was very bummed. Oh well. We tried to make it as special as possible being on our own. It was low key, I think if we have to do it on our own again we will invite people over for dinner or dessert . Anyway, here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure. :)
Morgans Great Grandparents gave her this sweet Christmas dress...she really did like it, this picture was the only one I could get of her standing still.Christmas dinner....yeah, we could have cut this in at LEAST half and still had leftovers! haha That was only a portion of the half...this was the first ham I have ever cooked...not to hard, I was still nervous though!
Morgan got a little spoiled this year, not that we spent oodles, but I found a box of gifts she had got from her birthday when she turned one...one word....re-gifter! :)
Morgan is still obsessed with princesses. She got a princess sleeping bag, a princess flashlight and a Cinderella pillow, lucky girl.
Morgan and Santa at our ward Christmas party. Isn't he impressive? Our ward hired a professional Santa and a professional photographer. I would have scanned that picture but lets face it, I have been a little slow at the blogging thing so I figure this one will do!
Posted by Kim at 5:57 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Welcome Whitney Ann!!!
Well Whitney finally decided to make her grand entrance to the world on Monday January 19, 2009. I am a little slow on the blogging thing, I don't know how you new moms out there are able to blog about your new babies, life is crazy!
*The following is Whitney's birth story so content may be a bit boring!
Monday morning I was getting ready to go visit a friend of mine who is in the hospital on bed rest with her baby. I started to have some cramping and it was happening about every ten minutes or so but the cramps weren't horrible so I decided to still go visit my friend. While I was there visiting the cramps started getting closer and closer together, so I told her I should probably go just in case. The cramps were just that, bad cramps so I wasn't sure if I was in labor or not. So once Morgan and I got the the car I just said a little prayer to ask for help getting home and to know if I needed to go to the doctor or not. Anyway, by the time I got to my exit I was 99% sure that I was in labor, the other 1% was just me not believing it was finally happening! So I called Jeff and my sister-in-law and told them to come home. I made sure Morgan's bag was ready and I had my stuff ready, called my Mom and sister and told them I was in labor, and then I sat waiting. My contractions were coming about every 3-4 minutes at this point and I was getting nervous because we had to drive downtown to the hospital. (Downtown is at least 25 minutes away with no traffic).
My SIL Christina showed up pretty fast and sat and waited for Jeff with me...by the time he finally got home I think my contractions were about every minute to a minute and a half...I was WORRIED! Jeff had called a friend of ours that works from home and he met us at our house and they gave me a blessing and then we ran as fast as we could to the car and off we were to the hospital! I thought I was going to die! I don't know how people can give birth without an epidural!!! Holy sam! I am ok if I never experience that again! We finally made it to the hospital labor and delivery entrance and the doors are LOCKED! I guess the receptionist has to beep you in or something (at this point I was just trying to breath), so Jeff finds a doorbell type button to let us in as I was in another contraction ....a bunch of people were inside just laughing at me because we were stuck and I was in obvious pain. So we make it to the receptionist area and no one is there, nice. Jeff went and found someone and as soon as I saw her I told her I NEED an epidural, call the anesthesiologist!!! She was just smiling, and said we needed to check me first! I was DYING, I am not stupid, I knew for SURE I was in labor! So she checks me and I am at an eight! "Oh, yup, you are in labor she says!" All I could do was ask if it was to late for my epidural!!! haha Anyway, this lady (a tiny little Asian lady) gets me in a wheelchair and I am sure was pushing me with all her might up to the labor and delivery area. I make it into bed and all I could do was ask for an epidural...where is my epidural?!?!?! I am not sure what was happening at this point because my eyes were closed most of the time but when I did open them all I saw was a bunch of ladies running around the room getting there garb on. Then a doctor came in and she said she had to check me before they could do an epidural...nice. She checked and said if my water hadn't broken yet we can still do the epidural. Apparently it hadn't broken yet so the anesthesiologist came in and said if I moved there would be no way to do the epidural. I was a little nervous at this point debating if it was going to be worth it, if I could do it without or if I could hold still and risk moving....then I thought back to my college anat and phys class and knowing what exactly could go wrong....I weighed the pro's and con's for about a second and I decided I NEEDED the epidural and I wouldn't move! haha I am such a pansy, ok not really I was in a lot of pain!!! :) Anyway, to make this long story longer, I got my epidural, HOORAY!!! Almost as soon as I got it I was pushing. I don't know how long I pushed for but it couldn't have been to long because I got to the hospital at 2:30 p.m. and had Whitney at 3:25 p.m. A little to fast for my liking but nice because it was over so fast! She was 6 Ilbs 14 oz and 19 inches long perfect healthy little girl! Amazing!
It still blows my mind how these sweet little babies are formed and have little fingers and fingernails and eyes and eye lashes and everything they need! We are so blessed to have Whitney and her sweet little spirit in our home! I can't believe it has already been two weeks! I took her to her two week appointment today and she is 7 Ibs and 1 oz (24%), and 21 1/4 in. (85%).
Morgan has been pretty good considering the huge adjustment. The first few days she wasn't too interested, and they she started getting jealous. Anytime I was holding Whitney she wanted to be held. She is doing better now, knock on wood. She seems like she really likes her, she just goes up to her and starts talking in a really REALLY high pictched voice and patting her head and giving her kisses. So hopefully we are all adjusted....hopefully!
Jeff and I are doing well. I felt great the first week. The doctors said I didn't tear at all and I was up and walking around a couple hours after having her (with Morgan I think I was waddling six weeks after!) I was doing really well, I just kept having this horrible pain in my back and I just thought it was from my epidural. Then the Saturday following I got a fever and the chills so bad I was shaking and couldn't stop...this happened a couple of times during the weekend so my mom and sister finally convinced me I needed to go to the doctor. I went in and found out I had gotten a kidney infection. So I am now on an antibiotic and feeling MUCH better! All I could use now is a nap! haha
Whitney has been a great sleeper though, I can't complain. The first couple of days were rough and then we had to have her under the billi lights here at home for two days which isn't fun. But since then she only wakes up twice a night and she USUALLY goes right back to sleep. NICE! I swear Morgan was up like five times a night and she never went right back to sleep.
Wow! This is getting longer than I expected but we just want to thank everyone for all their help with Morgan and meals and prayers! We have been so blessed with everyone's help and are doing well! Thanks for everything!
Posted by Kim at 1:12 PM 22 comments