Ok, my sister Nat and I were talking a while ago about high school and dating and dances and we decided we should post our dance pictures. Nice huh. Ok, this was back in probably April but our scanner was broke and I told her when we got a new one I would do it. Now her blog is private but if you click on it and ask her to add you I am sure she will. She has some pretty good pictures on there. Anyway, here is most of them, I am not sure where the rest went but I think that this is plenty! :) (I hate posting pictures on here because I can never get them in the right order, I even scanned them in the right order. Oh well, sorry!)This is my friend Kelly, we went to the Valentines dance our Jr. year. I cannot for the life of me remember what we did though!!! Sorry Kelly, if you remember let me know! He is a good kid, we were in the same ward for YEARS and now he and his wife (one of my girlfriends from high school) live like 15 minutes away from us!!!
Haha, this date was awful. Not my date but everything we PLANNED for the date went wrong! Seriously....everything, from asking this group of boys (who we really didn't know very well, but heard they hadn't ever been asked to a girls choice before) to dinner, to getting the car stuck, to my date getting sick when I was supposed to pick him up and almost not coming, to getting my hair done it looked like poo so I had to come home and hurry and wash it. Yeah, it was awesome. These poor guys probably were wondering what they had gotten themselves into!Here is the group. :) It was a fun bunch of people though. After this I told myself I wouldn't ever ask a boy on a date again!!!
This is Madison High School Prom. I went to Sugar but I dated this guy for a while and was able to go. We went hiking and had luau for this date. It was pretty fun and then he picked me up in a limo! Wahoo, that is something that doesn't happen very often in good old Sugar City. (Although I had gone to our prom a week or two earlier and my date picked me up in a limo then too, so it wasn't my first time but it was still pretty darn exciting!)Here is the group picture. It was a fun date and probably some of my favorite backdrops were at this dance. The dance was in a barn in the middle of nowhere. So fun.
I went to a few Madison dances but for the life of me I can't remember this guys name. (He asked me to a girls choice at his school) I can't even remember where I met him. He was nice...a little odd, but such is life. All I remember about this is that I was leading pep band that night (yeah I know I am a stud) and he was supposed to pick me up from our high school and we were supposed to go to the dance after. Well the game got over and I waited and waited and thought he stood me up, (I wasn't to hurt). So I went home and he ended up finding my house and picked me up there. That is why I look so awesome! haha Oh well. The girl in the top right corner and I ended up rooming at the same place in college, she is great!
I know, I know, you are all asking where I got my fabulous dress and how in the world did we match so well! I have known this guy since I can remember we were in the same ward all our lives. So, in October of my senior year I get a pumpkin on my doorstep and he was asking me to prom....in MAY!!! haha So I wasn't sure whether to be flattered or worried. Anyway, I ended up going (against my Dads wishes. He didn't think it was fair he asked me so early). BUT, part of the deal was that he and his buddy wanted to go Shakespearian style and they were going to make the outfits!!! I about died but at this point I didn't really care anymore, so I thought what the heck! I even told my parents to come be chaperons! haha I think for this date we just played games and made pizza....I think....anyone else remember? Anyway, yes I am blinking in this picture but I think it just adds to the overall experience. :) Good times...
This is Sadies our Sr. year. I think we went roller skating and had pizza and played games.....I think...but our group was so fun that really we would have had a good time if everything went wrong.
This was our homecoming royalty from my Sr. year. I just had to throw this picture in the prove that I wasn't wearing a tiara in the rest of my pictures for no reason. I think I was nominated every year and finally won my Sr. year. In my school people vote...they don't run for royalty. There was no way I was gunning for this. Our school has a tradition, in the assembly where the royalty is presented they have to kiss their partner....This was SO uncomfortable!!! This guy was my next door neighbor my entire life, we were friends but not like best friends. My girlfriends and I joke about this being the bullet kiss. It was just SO fast, and awkward! haha Oh well. I ended up having to ride with the royalty in the parade this year. This was the year where my best friend and I stayed up all night to make our float because no one else showed up and I didn't even get to ride on it!!! :(
This is our group shot from Sr. Homecoming. I don't remember what we did on the date but I do remember my date asked me out using a plunger. :)This is my good friend Jake, we went to a few dances together. This was our Jr. Prom and yes...I have worn that dress before....on a number of other dances but I paid a lot for that dress and I was going to get my money out of it!!! I think for this date we played games and pool and ping pong etc. I joke about it being my metallica date because that is ALL we listened to! He and his brother were in a band and LOVED metallica. We even watched one of their concerts on DVD! haha BUT they did record the sunrise and we watched it about noon and had lunch. They thought we would appreciate that more than waking up at the crack of dawn to watch. Smart boys. He is the one that gave me my first limo ride. I felt pretty cool after that. :)
Here is our group picture. Yes, we are pretty much wearing the same dress...the same hair...everything. We didn't plan it. :) The other couple ended up marrying each other.
This is another Madison dance. I can't remember what we did....is that sad? Am I just getting old? I am sure good times were had.
I thought this was another cute background. This was my first date dance. He was also in my ward growing up. He ended up marrying one of my good friends. We went hiking and had dutch oven on this date! mmmm I look SO young here. If you look closely at my arm it has a bunch of bruises on it from powder puff football!!! This was homecoming for my Jr. year.
Here is our group pictures. What fun times...
This was the college valentines dance my Sr. year. (thats right...I have skills...haha) I was just worried I was going to slip and fall in this picture.
I think we watched a movie in a classroom on this date. But, I did go on a date with that guy who is kneeling down in the blue suit . He was 23 I was 16, I don't know what my parents were thinking....I don't think he knew I was only 16! haha Maybe I was 17....still, I just remember it being very awkward when he found out. It turned out to be a great date, it is nice when there is no pressure...or maybe he was just being super good because I was illegal, either way its a funny story!This is homecoming my freshman year of college and my first college boyfriend...Smiley Riley. We went repelling for this date I think...SCARY!!!
This is the Spirit Week dance at BYU-I. Such good times. I served with a lot of these guys on student council. I don't remember what we did here, but I just remember being SOOOO stressed about spirit week, both Jeff and I had to help organize it.
I think this is my favorite dance picture. I just wish it wasn't on a polaroid. It was an 80's dance at college. You can't really see it but Jeff had on a hot pink shirt! I think he still has it, so you should ask him to wear it!!!
Anyway, I am sure that was VERY exciting for all of you! BUT, it was a fun tag!!! SO I nominate all of you to do the same! I want to see embarrassing high school/college dance pictures! :) I will have to make Jeff do it too, he has a picture where he is dressed up from like the 1800's! Haha, I think it beats my Shakespearian dress!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Here goes!
Posted by Kim at 7:36 AM
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I can see how you have a hard time keeping all of your dates straight. My heavens girl...you went to more school dances than anyone I have ever known! I think I went to two: Sr. homecoming and Sr. Prom. That was plenty for me. Maybe they were more fun in Sugar City...
Fun pictures though. It does look like you had a ton of fun!
Sheesh Kim, you musta been one popular girl! It seems like you went to ALL your dances plus all of Madison's too!
Ha ha, I'm not going to post my three high school dances! :)
Good job at reminicing (sp?) That is so funny to look back at everyone! You have a good memory! Congrats on having a girl! that is exciting!
at least you got asked to dances and at a variety of schools. I only went to 2 girl choice and 1 seriously messed up prom. Lame I know. Nobody thought I was cute I guess OH WELL. The pictures are funny and you are just as beautiful now as ever. Hope things are going well and you feel good!
That is so funny. Props to you for posting them . . . all. Holy cow! That is a lot of dances. My favs are the outside one (you and Dave + trees) and the Shakesperean one. hehehe Love ya! Nat
I have much to say about this post...I was cracking up at pictures, I love it. I didn't know you went to all those Madison dances! Too bad we weren't friends yet. BTW, the boy you can't remember his name is Zach Munns. I know because he's the only boy I ever said no to for a dance (I know, I'm a jerk), then went to the dance with a DIFFERENT boy and had to avoid him the whole time (I know, I'm a JERK, I feel terrible about it). So I'm looking forward to Jeff's dance pictures now...
Holy Cow! You were busy in high school! I'm surprised that you got such good grades with all of the dances keeping you busy! Love them!
Wow Kim-
That was a crazy stroll down memory lane. :) How time flies! It was fun to get your perspective on things. Every once in a while, I wish I could go back... for a VERY brief moment. :) (Mostly to see what my somache used to look like without the stretch marks- I can't even remember.) Keep in touch! Happy times!
Also- this is embarrassing to admit, but I kept of record of every date, when it was, who was there, and what we did. So if you really do want to know what you did on any of the dates I was with you, I have a reference. :) Talk about a nerd. :) The things I thought were so important- I guess it is fun to look back though. :)
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Awesome Kim. Sweet post. I don't even know where any of my dance pictures are. ;) I don't think I even ever got one from Weston from prom. Bummer.
and yes that one date was awful. Didn't Jon make me cry or something? And he was YOUR date. Ha ha. Maybe it was Thayne. And crystal's car jumped the median, right? Wasn't it because everyone was blindfolded? Man Lydia, you need to refresh our memories. So funny. Kingston got a good laugh at the Shakespearean story. :) Oh and Jeff looks so different!
This definnately made my laugh!
Holy cow you went to alot of dances! I went to two dances. But I bet you'll have fun memories for the rest of your life (or not).
Great! I love our picture at the bottom of your post. Who is that guy I'm sitting by? I miss those dress up days... that was so fun!
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