Guess what we made? Homemade, from scratch St. Louis style toasted ravioli! That's right. Jeff saw Chef Robert Irvine make some on the food network. Robert said it was a fast easy ravioli. Robert was wrong. It took probably a good two hours. I think if we used a different dough recipe it COULD be quick(er) and easier. It probably would have helped if we had a pasta maker. BUT they turned out ok. I give them a 6.5 out of 10. We MAY try again with a different dough recipe one day.
My sis-in-law and her mom made these awesome hair wraps and I was planning on making some of my own until I saw these in the dollar spot at Target...ON CLEARANCE!
(My girls love to wrestle, is that normal?)
We have been collecting VHS movies lately, the girls think it is great (I can't believe we had to wait so long for a video to rewind!)
Whitney is very good about sharing with her little sister. I came into the kitchen and found three pieces of bread she had given Nicole. Nice.
Morgan also likes to share. She is likes putting these stickers on her ears as earrings and thought Nikki should have some.
This weekend we went up north to Jeff's sisters house. While Jeff and her husband were doing this....
We were doing this. They had a joint birthday party for their boys. It was a Peter Pan theme and it was so cute. She is so creative.
Reading her treasure map.
Morgan came out the other day in this outfit. Can you guess what it is? It was Whitney's blessing dress!!! I couldn't stop laughing. Silly girl.